It also fronts the newly constructed marina offering 500 feet of piers, with easy access to get to come by boats of all sizes. Jerry Fisher’s Dock of Bay, located nearby before being destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, seemed like a good site for him to bring a new bar and restaurant. Still in the aftermath of Katrina, TBT was the first building on waterside side since the hurricane.
Louis was the mother ship location of The Blind Tiger which first opened in May, 2013 on the marina front in Bay St. The partnership between TBT and Harrahs was formed and the second TBT location rose from the ground.īay St. Like the BSL TBT, this location was also accessible by boat. The site was on the corner of land between Deer Island and Biloxi with views to west of sunset are phenomenal which overlook the coastline. Thomas Genin and his TBT partners were approached by Harrahs in 2015 to bring the TBT to the east side of the coast.